Betting on the NBA Finals: A Guide to Player Prop Bets

Eduardo MarinNBA

Betting on the NBA Finals

Betting on the NBA Finals is an exciting venture for sports enthusiasts and bettors alike. One of the most popular forms of betting during the NBA Finals is player prop betting. This form of betting involves wagering on individual player performances, such as the number of points a player will score, the number of rebounds they will get, or even the number of assists they will make. This article will provide a comprehensive guide to player prop bets during the NBA Finals.

Understanding Player Prop Bets

Player prop bets are a type of sports betting where you wager on individual player performances instead of the overall outcome of the game. These bets can be made on various aspects of a player’s performance, including points scored, rebounds, assists, blocks, steals, and more. The key to successful player prop betting is understanding the player’s performance trends, the team’s game plan, and the matchup. Visit the NBA Warriors Page to see more info.

Key Players to Watch

Giannis Antetokounmpo

The Milwaukee Bucks’ star player, Giannis Antetokounmpo, is a top choice for player prop bets. Known for his scoring ability, rebounding, and playmaking, Antetokounmpo is a versatile player who can contribute in multiple ways. In the 2022 NBA Finals, he averaged 35.2 points, 13.2 rebounds, and 5.0 assists per game, making him a safe bet for similar stats in future games.

Chris Paul

Phoenix Suns’ point guard Chris Paul is another player to watch. Known for his exceptional playmaking and scoring ability, Paul is a consistent performer who often surpasses his projected stats. In the 2022 NBA Finals, he averaged 21.8 points and 8.2 assists per game.

Devin Booker

Also from the Phoenix Suns, Devin Booker is a scoring machine. He’s known for his ability to rack up points quickly, making him a popular choice for points-based player prop bets. In the 2022 NBA Finals, Booker averaged 28.2 points per game.

Strategies for Player Prop Betting

Research Player Performance

Understanding a player’s performance trends is crucial in player prop betting. Look at their recent games and their performance in similar matchups. Also, consider factors like injuries and player morale, as these can significantly impact a player’s performance.

Understand the Matchup

The opposing team’s defense can significantly impact a player’s performance. For example, a player might have lower-than-average points against teams with strong defense. Understanding these matchups can help you make more informed bets.

Consider the Game’s Importance

The importance of the game can also impact player performance. Players are likely to perform better during crucial games, such as playoff games or rivalry matches.


Player prop betting during the NBA Finals can be both exciting and profitable for those who do their research and understand the game. While there’s always a risk involved in betting, understanding player performance, matchups, and the importance of the game can significantly increase your chances of winning your bets. Register with us to start betting.