Counter Strike Rules
Counter strike Global Offensive (CS:GO) is a first-person shooter based on the common scenario featuring two teams(Terrorist & Counter-Terrorist) trying to achieve their goal or eliminate the other team in preset conditions referred as map. Each team consists of 5 players and that is why this game is considered team game and only team objectives have effect on the result of the game.The game itself is divided into rounds which are won by the team that either completes the given objective or eliminates all members of the other team. Major CS:GO games are played in a format MR15 (Max number of rounds: 15) which means that one team starts as Terrorist and the other as Counter-Terrorist and play 15 rounds afterthat they swich sides playing another 15 rounds in order to fully show their capabilities in the game. The winning team is the one that reaches 16 round wins first on the same map. Depending on the tournament format that you will come across games are played in best of 1 game, best of 2 games(either on the same or different map), best of 3 games on different maps, best of 5 and best of 7 usually only avaible on major tournament finals.
Since the day Counter Strike game was developed, it was an instant hit among gamers making it probably the most played first-person shooter multiplayer game of all time. That’s why like in real sports, we believe that betting on your favourite team could bring you as much emotions and money. So we have developed the following markets for CS:GO for you to bet on:
- 2 Way Market: Which team will win the whole game as per official tournament rules.
- Who wins Map 1? Market: Which team will win only Map 1 and the final result will not have any effect on this bet.
- Who wins Map 2? Market: Which team will win only Map 2 and the final result will not have any effect on this bet.
- Total number of Games/Maps Played? Market: What number of games will be played before the winner in the game is decided.
- 3rd Game played? Market: In games played in the best of 3 format, will there be a 3rd game played or one of the teams will win 2:0.
- 5th Game played? Market: In games played in the best of 5 format, will there be a 5th final game played or one of the teams will win before that.
- Who will win round 1 on map 1? Market: Which team will win the first round played on the map. Bear in mind that players start with pistols as weapon and that’s why this round is called “Pistol Round”.
- Who will win round 16 on map 1? Market: After playing 15 rounds on the map, the two teams switch sides(Terrorists become Counter-Terrorist and vice versa).Bear in mind that the game restarts and players play with pistols as weapon and that’s why this round is also called “Pistol Round”.